Reaching as far back as Ancient Rome the shoe we refer to as Mules carried a status symbol. Due to extreme impracticality you can imagine only those living lavish, luxurious life styles could wear them. In fact, in Ancient Rome only the three highest elected officials were allowed to wear mules (at the time flat, closed toed, backless). Talk about exclusive.
Not until the 18th century would Mules appear in the fashion world. They maintained their status symbol thanks to their impractical design, attracting wealthy women.
Somewhere along the line mules lost their status symbol when prostitutes began wearings them. However, like many trends they were bound to make a comeback. Who better to set a trend than the iconic Marilyn Monroe. She brought mules to their height in the 1950's.
The past 60 years mules have come and gone. Now they're back! We've seen them throughout the year, but they're entering fall with a pointed toe and new colors.
Are you a fan of the mule? There's so many to choose from these days with so many designers innovating new trendier styles. I curated a list of fall ready mules for you to browse and shop! I hope you enjoy
Until next time,
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