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Furs, Leathers, sequins, vintage hats & Throwback Thursday!

My oh My I am the worst blogger ever--It does not seem like over a month since my last post, however I guess time flies with you're busy. I'm super excited for fall, San Francisco just went through it's mini Indian Summer, not sure if it will come back or not but I finally got my tan for the year!!

I've been working on eating healthier--basically low glycemic foods with the help of Usana's nutrimeal shakes  for breakfast--YUMM!

Anyway, to the fun stuff, yesterday I got a few more items that were stored away at Tosca's cabin in the mountains--Some LOVELY jackets a few leather jackets with the fringe and beading--GORGEOUS. A super soft fur vest, and some more amazing hats! I love the hats, I wish I spent more time on my outfits to incorporate these hats into my everyday wear--they are all such conversation pieces!

If anyone knows more about 'coke feathers' please share, I'm super curious I couldn't find very much on them. Most of the hats are from I.magnin and joseph Magnin though, very classy department store that is no longer around--bummer.

I've been doign more research on my jewelry items--have a piece from ART, some Boucher, Monet and one Marium Haskell--so exciting, I had no idea that there were collecter signed brands of fashion jewelry!! A few are missing some rhinestones though so I need to look into that.

Theres tons more that I want to catch up on, but I think that's good for now--except of course Toast to Tosca Throwback Thursday!!

Tosca at her retirement party in 1992 age 70

The dress from above picture availale at my Etsy shop
If you like this dress check it out along with all my other items at:

Message me at my shop with any questions or concerns, I love to hear from my customers!!

That's all for now, Have a great Thursday!!



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